The National Autism Society in Bialystok is a public benefit organization, bringing together parents and teachers-therapists working for people on the autism spectrum disorders. The association has been operating since 1997. The main goals are:
- running a School and Therapeutic-Care Center for Children and Youth with the Autism Spectrum Disorders in Bialystok
- diagnosing children with autism spectrum disorders
- running a youth club dedicated people with ASD
- organizing and financing various forms of therapy
- dissemination of knowledge about autism spectrum disorders and forms, methods and programs of support for people with ASD
- providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to families
- raising the knowledge and awareness of parents and professionals
- organization of integration events, fairs, knowledge fairs, scientific conferences
- cooperation with local government and government institutions as well as non-governmental organizations acting for the benefit of disabled people.
KTA O / Białystok is a member of the Autism-Poland Agreement.

Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) was established in 1949 and has a long tradition of educating engineers and young scientists. Now we have nearly 8,500 students and 660 teachers – experts in their fields. Bialystok University of Technology has 7 Faculties (Departments): Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Management, and Faculty of Forestry in Hajnowka (due to its specialization located in the town of Hajnowka, at the heart of Bialowieza Primaeval Forest). From Architecture, through Automatic Control and Robotics, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Logistics, Mechanics and Construction of Machinery, and Forestry, to Management – Bialystok University of Technology offers 27 attractive courses (programmes). Some of them are conducted in English: Construction and Building Systems Engineering, Logistics, Mechatronics, and Management.
We offer 1st degree (Bachelor’s or Engineer’s), 2nd degree (Master’s) and 3rd degree (PhD) studies, postgraduate studies, as well as training and language courses. We have continuously been developing our scientific and teaching infrastructure. We invest in energy from the nature and educate specialists in renewable energy. In our campus you can see wind turbines, solar cells, and heat pumps – all used to power our laboratories and students’ hostels. In our INNO-EKO-TECH centre students of Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, and Ecological Power Engineering learn about such future-oriented sectors of the economy as renewable energy resources (RES), energy-efficient construction, and environmental protection.

KAUNAS PRANAS DAUNYS EDUCATIONAL CENTER is an educational institution of municipality. It implements pre-school, primary, basic and informal education of children and youth having visual, autism spectrum and miscellaneous developmental disorders. It provides pupils with educational, social help and health care services. In addition, it also provides with tiflo-pedagogical help visually disabled learners who study in ordinary educational institutions or at home and adult people who have lost their eyesight.
At the moment 136 learners from Kaunas city and the entire Lithuania are educated in the Center (106 study at the Center’s school while 30 attend pre-school education groups. 30 learners have special educational needs caused by visual and other disorders. The other part of the Center’s learners have autism spectrum disorders and complex disabilities. Preschool children and students get support from teachers and therapists:
- Primary teachers
- subject teachers
- special pedagogues
- speech therapists
- tiflo-pedagogues
- psychologists
- ergotherapist
- rehabilitologist
- physiotherapist
- masseur
- kinesia specialists
- social pedagogue
Informal education is very important in the Center. The learners have the possibility to attend music’s school at the Centre itself. Various activities are organized:
- sports activities (swimming pool, yoga, expression of movement)
- art activities (art, ceramics, folklore, singing, music’s therapy)
- craft
- esthetical
- education
- woodworks
- computers
The Center collaborates with governmental and public organizations, Lithuanian universities, and higher education institutions, their students practice at this center. The center is open to the public, provides methodological and advisory work for all teachers, therapists and parents in Lithuania.