Jolanta Pauk, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Associate Professor
Bialystok University of Technology
Leader of the project
M.Sc. in Automatics and Robotics at Bialystok University of Technology. Ph.D., D.Sc. in Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences. Author of 150 publications in the field of: biomechanics, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence.
Scientific specializations at: the Bioengineering Center in Milan (2001-2002), Politechnico di Milano (2004), Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital in Edmonton (2002, 2004, 2007), Vilnius Giedyminas Technical University (2010, 2012), Warsaw University of Technology (2012), Orthopedic and Prosthetic Center (2013).
The most important awards: 1st level award of the Mechanics Committee Polish Academy of Sciences (2006); Finalist of the European Young Entrepreneurs Awards (2006); the scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science in the START program (2007-2008); MNISW scholarship for young outstanding scientists (2011-2014); a scholarship from the European Social Fund (2010-2011).
Expert of the European Commission in the 7 Framework Program and Horizon 2020. Since 2013, the supervisor of the BiomCyberMedic student’s association, which deals with the development of new tools supporting therapies of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Karolina Bajer M.A.
President of the National Autism Society in Bialystok
A graduate of the Alksander Gieysztor Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, where she earned the M.A. degree in Political Science, specialization in journalism. She completed post-graduate studies in the field of pedagogy and oligophrenopedagogy at the Pedagogical Non-Public Higher School in Bialystok. Since 2018, she has been the Chairman of the Management Board of the Autism Society, Branch in Bialystok and the Foundation “Wiem i Pomagam”.

Marcin Kruhlej, M.A.
Vice-president of the National Autism Society in Bialystok
– a graduate from the Faculty of History and Sociology at the University of Bialystok and social economy management at the University of Warsaw. He is a careers adviser and a social skills trainer. He also completed post-graduate studies in education management, education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities and with autism spectrum disorders as well as in career guidance and counselling.
He is a graduate of a comprehensive course in the management of “PROMENGO” authorized by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. He is Chairman of the Public Benefit Works Council of Podlasie.
Marcin is an originator and a manager of many social projects and initiatives as well as he is a co-founder of several institutions dealing with the social integration of people with disabilities in Czarna Białostocka, Bielsk Podlaski and Łomża.
He is also a longtime associate of Caritas of the Archdiocese of Białystok and the Dialogue Foundation in Bialystok
He completed a course titled “Professional manager in NGO” at Collegium Civitas In Warsaw, a course in the Basics of Psychotherapy and Crisis Intervention and a training “Behavioral therapy in theory and practice – 3-module basics”.
Marcin is a coach and an expert, among others, in the Regional Center for Social Policy in Białystok, Podlasie Branch of the Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy, Social Welfare Center in Piątnica, Social Welfare Center in Grajewo, the Commission of National Education Polish Education Foundation.
He cooperates with many social organizations from Podlaskie Voivodeship, among others, as an advisor in management of organization, project management and team management.
He was awarded in the “Przystanek młodych” voting by Gazeta Wyborcza for the heart for others, helping fellow men and inspiring others for actions.
In 2016, appointed as the Director of the School-Therapeutic-Care Center for Children and Youth from the Autism Spectrum, and in June 2018 he took the post of the Vice-Chairman of the the Management Board of the National Autism Society of the Bialystok Branch.

Katarzyna Głowacka, M.A.
Project administration
She graduated from the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialization, a graduate of the University of Białystok, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Teachers College of Revalidation and Resocialization in Bialystok. For over fifteen years, he was professionally engaged in promotion and marketing in the market.
She completed trainings in negotiation strategies and techniques, sales management, customer relationship, as well as in the field of e-marketing. Since March 2018, she has been an administrative employee of the National Autism Society in Bialystok. She coordinates the work of the Consultation and Diagnostic Center.

Raimonda Juknevičienė, M.A.
Headmaster of Kaunas Pranas Daunys Center Of Education
Raimonda Juknevičienė got a bachelor’s degree in pre-school education at Klaipėda University, master of educology at Vytautas Magnus University. For a long time worked as a deputy of the headmaster at the center for children with ASD. Currently she is the headmaster of Kaunas Pranas Daunys Educational Center. Raimonda systematically expands her knowledge of organisational practice of Lithuanian and international education of children having ASS. She constantly takes part in international projects; she took part in traineeships in Norway, Finland, Holland, improved her qualification in international Danish organised trainings about TEACHH method for children with ASD. Raimonda constantly collaborates with various Lithuanian institutions and organisations in order to improve the quality of education and other services for children with ASD. She prepares qualification programmes for teachers and gives seminars regarding organisational issues of education of children having ASD.
She is a co-author of the publication „PAŽINK, SUPRASK, PADĖK. Ugdymo strategijos dirbantiems su ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikais, turinčiais autizmo spektro sutrikimų” (Educational strategies for those working with pre-school and pre-primary children with autism spectrum disorders.)

Toma Malvicė, M.A.
Psychologist at Kaunas Pranas Daunys Center of Education
She is a graduate of Vytautas Magnus University, a health psychology. For 11 years she has worked as a psychologist at Kaunas Pranas Daunys Educational Center with children with ASD. She constantly expands her theoretical and practical knowledge about autism spectrum disorder. She delivers lectures of special pedagogy and psychology at the University as well as a course of pedagogical psychology, prepares qualification programmes and gives seminars in Lithuania for pedagogues and specialists on the issues of behaviour modelling and correction, sensory integration and structured education. She consults parents who have children with ASD, teachers, organises meetings of parental self-help group „Parents – for parents”.
Together with her colleagues she published the publication „PAŽINK, SUPRASK, PADĖK. Ugdymo strategijos dirbantiems su ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikais, turinčiais autizmo spektro sutrikimų” (Educational strategies for those working with pre-school and pre-primary children with autism spectrum disorders.). She takes part in projects, initiatives, collaborates with students of Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas college, organising activities for children having ASD, supervising for student practice at Kaunas Pranas Daunys educational center.

Aušra Lukšienė, M.A.
Speech therapist at Kaunas Pranas Daunys Center of Education
Aušra Lukšienė got a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree of speech therapist and special pedagogue at Šiauliai University. Since 1992 m. she has worked with children having special educational needs. She takes part in international projects, took part in traineeships in Holland (the Netherlands foundation for Eastern and Central Europe), in Norway – centers in Solvang and Glenne, county of Vestfold, where children and teenagers having ASD are educated, in Skien Pedagogical-Psychological Service, Norway. Aušra specializes in education of early – aged children having ASD, evaluates their cognitive, speech, communicational and social skills and creates programmes of individual education. In her work she applies methods of structured teaching and PECS. She constantly gives lectures and open practical activities for students of Kaunas College, Lithuanian Universities of Sport, Health and Vytautas Magnus University.
She prepares announcements in international conferences, delivers seminars for Lithuanian pedagogues and specialists on the issues of speech and communication. Together with her colleagues she prepared and published the publication „PAŽINK, SUPRASK, PADĖK. Ugdymo strategijos dirbantiems su ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikais, turinčiais autizmo spektro sutrikimų”. She is a member of Lithuanian association of speech therapists and special pedagogues. For the achievements in the professional field and contribution in creation of educational system for children having ASD, she has been awarded the honorary certificate of the mayor of Kaunas.