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Anna Mastrominico, Thomas Fuchs, Elizabeth Manders, Lena Steffinger , Dusan Hirjak, Maik Sieber, Elisabeth Thomas, Anja Holzinger, Ariane Konrad, Nina Bopp, Sabine C. Koch
Effects of dance movement therapy on adult patients with autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial.
Behavioral Sciences, 2018, 8, 61; doi:10.3390/bs8070061

Laura Crane, Richard Batty,  Hanna Adeyinka, Lorna Goddard, Lucy A. Henry, Elisabeth L. Hill
Autism diagnosis in the United Kingdom: Perspectives of autistic adults, parents and professionals.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

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The association between emotional and behavioral problems in children with autism spectrum disorder and psychological distress in their parents: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Ulf Jonsson, Nora Choque Olsson, Christina Coco, Anders Görling, Oskar Flygare, Anna Råde, Qi Chen, Steve Berggren, Kristiina Tammimies, Sven Bölte
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